The following news items were drawn from the archives of the Mail Tribune 100 years ago
July 7, 1921
Crater Lake, Ore., July 5.— (Special) — Lydia Sturtevant of 2186 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Calif., has been a guest at Crater Lake lodge for several days. She was the first woman to make the descent to the lake this year and the first woman to catch fish in the lake. The trail is not open and those daring enough to go to the water’s edge have had to climb down the face of the cliffs where one mis-step meant death. Only a few experienced man climbers have made the trip.
There is constant danger of snow slides and rock slides and one of the latter caught the Sturtevant party, bombarding them with small rocks, but fortunately not lasting long. The trail to the lake will be shoveled out withing a few days so that all the guests at the lodge can go to the lake if they wish without danger.
Miss Sturtevant favored the other guests with two beautiful songs during the evening when the hundred or more, who are staying at the lodge, gathered around the open fireplace.
When asked how Crater Lake compared with other wonderful places Miss Sturtevant had seen in her various operatic tours, she said: “Crater Lake can not be compared to any other lake. It is a wonder by itself. I heard someone today try to compare it to Lake Tahoe. It can’t be done. They can’t be compared any more than the Yosemite and the Yellowstone can be compared. There is only one Crater Lake.”
The road to Crater Lake is open to within a quarter of a mile of the lodge, and it is hoped to have the road open in a day or at the most two days.
New people registered at the lodge are Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Conner and family of Medford and C. I. Dingfelder from New York city.
Crater Lake is a most wonderful asset to draw the tourists to Southern Oregon, but it is by no means the only attraction to lure the stranger to this region. The scenery along the highways, Mill Creek Falls, Rogue River Gorge and the Natural Bridge all contribute, but the steelhead fishing in the Rogue river offers a greater attraction to many tourists than the people of Southern Oregon realize.
There are many communications received at the Medford Chamber of Commerce wherein inquiries are made as to fishing.
In view of the fact that the maximum temperature of Wednesday was 95 degrees the official forecast of this morning “Fair and warmer” for the next 24 hours is not very welcome news.
— Alissa Corman;
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